About DuctileDB: ductiledb-parent

DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
DuctileDB: ductiledb-api DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
DuctileDB: ductiledb-core DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
DuctileDB: ductiledb-tinkerpop DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
DuctileDB: ductiledb-test DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
eXtended Objects for DuctileDB: ductiledb-xo DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
eXtended Objects for DuctileDB: xo.bundle DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
DuctileDB: ductiledb-jdbc DuctileDB is PureSol Technologies' graph database for HBase and Hadoop.
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